Estyn Report
We are proud to announce the publication of our School Estyn inspection report. As a school we are very proud of the report as we think it reflects all the hard work that we all put into making Arddleen School ‘our school.’
To view a copy of the report please visit the link or alternatively a paper copy can be obtained from the school office on request. A copy can be viewed on our homepage and parent page here on this website!
Here are just a few of the findings within the 2018 Estyn report.
‘Arddleen Community Primary School is a caring environment where all pupils feel valued, safe and happy.’
‘Nearly all pupils develop into confident, articulate individuals who achieve well.’
‘Quality of teaching is good and provision to develop pupils’ skills is effective.’
‘Most make very strong progress in developing their Welsh language skills, which is a strength of the school.’
‘Leaders share a purposeful vision for the school and have high expectations of everyone.’
‘Nearly all pupils are ambitious, confident learners.’
‘The high standard of behaviour throughout the school ensures a calm, purposeful learning environment. Nearly all pupils are very polite, attentive and well behaved.’
‘Nearly all pupils respect the views of others and enjoy sharing their thoughts and ideas with visitors.’
‘Nearly all teachers know the pupils well and have high expectations of them.’
‘Staff know the pupils and their families very well and relationships between the school and the community are strong and built on mutual respect.’
‘Friends and parents play a keen and active role in all aspects of school life.’
‘The partnership between the governors and school leaders is exemplary.'
Powys, SY22 6RT
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