Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) 2022 - 2023
The school receives a grant from the Welsh Government to support and further develop pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals (eFSM).Our aim as a school is to ensure that all pupils reach their optimum potential.
The Grant
Planned expenditure this year is being coordinated by the Headteacher.
Learning and Teaching-Budgeted cost: £5250.
Planned expenditure this year will be spent on:
Small group support for literacy and numeracy.
Additional staff to support teaching and learning enabling bespoke intervention for pupils.
Provision of high-quality online tracking of FSM pupils and high-quality online learning resources.
Support for pupil and family well-being.
Extend ELSA school provision to support pupils and their families to be by signposting external support, providing in house strategies, developing strong school to family links.
Financial Support - reduce barriers to learning and experiences.
Budgeted costs: £500
Powys, SY22 6RT
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